Farm4 health

A line carefully designed to take care of our greatest asset. Natural options to make life always healthier.

Wellness with flavor, health and origin
A true hive of healthiness, which provides flavor and quality of life straight from Brazil to the world. This is Wellness Hive, the union between two companies: Apis Vida, a specialist in beekeeping products and Farm4, a company that cultivates natural well-being. From them the Joint Venture was born with a focus: to take more and more beekeeping products to the most distant and demanding markets, promoting health and wellness.

The power of the hives, far beyond honey
Wax, propolis, royal jelly. Yes, and honey! From sustainability in production to the benefits of each of the products, beekeeping cultivates a good life for all. Wellness Hive has a complete line of food, cosmetic, and therapeutic products focused on the consumer’s health and well-being.
wellness hive
Our purpose
Quality of life in our social, work and commercial relationships that are reliable and full of value.
Quality of life, pleasure, peace of mind and balance of our products and their features and benefits.
Quality of life in the sustainable relationship with the environment and society, with respect and responsibility.
wellness hive
Product line

Want to learn more?
Interested in cultivating wellness with us?
Contact us through the channels below.

+55 (11) 99997.7183
+1 (313) 265.1546
Fazenda Cachoeirinha, BR 491
Rod. Monte Santo a Arceburgo, S/N
Zona Rural - CEP 37968-000
Monte Santo - MG